Blocks - and a New Creation.

Having returned with a website as a writer after being offline for the best part of 2023, I am delighted to be online again and ready to share a basic blog post on how this year has fared as a poet and a writer. I am undertaking a newness, allowing a new thing to occur in me and sometimes not having any ability to change any of the changes once they have begun.

In July last year, after a long time I had decided to begin working on a new computer after suspicions of my being hacked online. Sometimes these things can occur because people can and will do such things, for their own entertainment. It was not funny for me, however. 

I was unable to rush ahead with a number of things, and rushing I was. Around my birthday, I was about to publish my second Haiku Poetry and AI Art Book ‘Haikus for Healing’ and this came to a full stop with this situation.  I am and will never be deterred by the events that took place and simply continued ahead with the resources I could find. 

I reported this to UK police, to an organisation called Action Fraud UK and even to international Police. I have been wiser about the interactions I have had and will have with people online, including those with people I had once trusted. I am wiser and more able to cope with this now.  Sometimes blocking people is the only way forward. 

But I am a survivor, and these events were nothing like other matters I had to survive from, but they did cause a great deal of concern at the time.  People in these situations that meddle in other people’s affairs, tend to get bored or have other ‘playthings’ to take their time up, and this, I believe has now occurred. I wish him, her, they/them, well!

Performance Poetry - Writing Poetry and Books

I have continued to write throughout all this time and publish also. The ‘She Writes’ Series – Women’s Poetry Journal has received a five-star review and I hope this continues. I have had much interest over this across social media and now I have a website back again will be continue to market this and my other books. I made an announcement that I wasn’t performing poetry, or doing anything I had previously done including art, photography or anything else I was socially involved in, like singing groups and would be focusing on my relationship to God and Jesus Christ as a born again Christian. These events came suddenly and I allowed this to occur. There was no resistance to the newness I was experiencing and I was happy for it. I was ill during August last year and returned from hospital with prayers to a welcoming God. I didn’t want to die. I wanted to live a healthy life and needed to start now.

Tish Ince Poet Writer 2024

 Within three weeks I had lost a stone in weight followed by not drinking alcohol, and soon after quitting smoking. I stopped all visitors to my home, stayed at home and spent ten days just reading the bible. I soon found a local Pentecostal church and allowed the newness of the Holy Spirit in me to continue to guide me in the work in me that God had begun.

I am a new creation since that day and am wholly committed to the spiritual path I am on. My family are pleased with these occurrences and the peace I have inside. God’s peace and my pulling myself away from the world. Being in it, but not of it. It’s still a new journey for me, but I am becoming more able to adjust to this development and consistently continue on this path. I have lost some friends along the way and I understand this is difficult for them and me to have worked through, but I am not lost because of this. I am finding myself and God, Jesus Christ and a new beginning in my life.

I had been angry at God after my husband died. I stopped going to church and stayed hurt for seven years. But This is a holy number and seven years later I have returned and He has welcomed me back and is a forgiving God.

Much later, I was told by a young Christian woman, that I could still be a poet and a writer, artist, a photographer and anything else that I found good in my life. I sing still and have new praise worship songs that I have added to my repertoire. I am a whole and wholly loved person, that has been ‘hidden with Christ in God.’ (Colossians 3:3)

Maybe this is the right time to have returned. Maybe God wants me to be visible again. I am not questioning anything He lets me know I should do. I am writing, and am ready for the next adventure.

Tish Ince.